Homeowners Guide: Common Plumbing Problems in Texas

It should come as no surprise that different areas of the country experience different types of issues, including weather events, social problems and even circumstances that arise in regards to everyday issues like Internet connectivity, electricity and plumbing.
In the Lone Star State of Texas, for example, there are several plumbing issues that homeowners should certainly be aware of. Some are common in other parts of the country, others are not. But they’re all ones that are present and anything but rare in Texas.
These issues run the gamut from small and everyday problems to ones that really need to be addressed as soon as possible, before becoming any worse in size and potential financial outlay.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most common plumbing problems faced by homeowners in the great state of Texas.

4 Most Common Plumbing Problems

Hard Water

Hard Water - Common Plumbing Problems
Hard water is described as being high in chemicals like magnesium and calcium, which can cause several problems in regards to your home’s plumbing.

The good news is that drinking hard water is not a health risk for you or members of your family, so it can be drank, cooked with and showered with without any worry about getting sick. But it can lead to a bitter taste and noticeable mineral buildup in your sinks, your showers and your bathtubs.

But the more serious problem is that hard water can create fixture corrosion and other issues, particularly with your hot water heater.
If sediment buildup occurs in your hot water heater, for example, it will drop to the bottom of the unit and reduce the efficiency of the water heater itself. It could also decrease the life span of your heater, possibly by a number of years if not addressed within a reasonable amount of time.

Household Leaks

Hard water is described as being high in chemicals like magnesium and calcium, which can cause several problems in regards to your home’s plumbing.

The good news is that drinking hard water is not a health risk for you or members of your family, so it can be drank, cooked with and showered with without any worry about getting sick. But it can lead to a bitter taste and noticeable mineral buildup in your sinks, your showers and your bathtubs.

But the more serious problem is that hard water can create fixture corrosion and other issues, particularly with your hot water heater.
If sediment buildup occurs in your hot water heater, for example, it will drop to the bottom of the unit and reduce the efficiency of the water heater itself. It could also decrease the life span of your heater, possibly by a number of years if not addressed within a reasonable amount of time.
Water Leak

Slab Movement

Extreme weather conditions in Texas can often lead to changes in concrete slabs, which occurs when ground movement happens as a result of outside forces.

If the ground becomes saturated by excessive amounts of rain, it may not be able to hold any more water. This can create ground movement that can disrupt the operation and positioning of your home’s pipes.
This will create leaks and can cause changes to your slab, which can cause potentially huge plumbing problems for you and your family.

Tree Roots

This is not only a Texas problem, but it is one that is extremely common in the Lone Star State.

Tree roots often penetrate into septic or sewer lines and can cause significant problems with regards to drainage. If this occurs, your only real recourse is to have someone come out and kill the tree roots, thus eliminating the problem.

Not doing so can eventually create a line break, which will be a significant bill as the entire pipe must then be replaced.
For more information for Texas homeowners on other common plumbing problems, check out this article on the top ten other plumbing problems
Common plumbin problem tree root

How to Save Money on Your Plumbing

Elisha French

Elisha French

Elisha French is a certified Master Plumber in the State of Texas.

Plumbing Tips to Save You Money

Like anything else in life, plumbing fixtures and components are not going to last forever. It’s just a fact of life, after all, and one that we all need to accept and realize.

There are, however, several habits that homeowners and business owners can engage in that will almost certainly extend the life of your plumbing fixtures and save you a good deal of money in unnecessary repair bills.

Now we’re not saying that things aren’t still going to come up. It would be irresponsible and dishonest of us to make that claim.

But what we are saying is something that you probably already know – the better you take care of things, the longer they’re generally going to last and the better they’re going to perform.

So with that in mind, let’s take a look at a few ways that you can save money on potential plumbing expenses, as well as your monthly water bill.

Ensure Your Toilet Is Flushing Properly

If you have worn or faulty parts on your toilet, or think you may at some time in the not too distant future, consider replacing them now to avoid upcoming issues.

Think about how long it’s been since these parts have been replaced and take a proactive approach, thereby heading off any issues that could be on the horizon.

This will not only help keep your toilets functioning properly, but it will also save you money on your monthly water bill.

Are Your Faucets Dripping?

A dripping faucet may not seem like that big of a deal, but over time it can waste a good amount of water thus leading to much higher water bills for you and your family.

If you suspect a leak, don’t just look at your faucets but also be sure to look under the sink for any possible signs of leakage.

What’s The Temperature Of Your Hot Water Heater?

Your hot water heater should not be set any higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Any higher than this and you’re going to be paying more than you should be in heating costs, and could also run the risk that members of your family may be burned by excessively hot water.

Now we all enjoy a hot shower, of course, but any higher than 120 degrees is really not worth it in regards to higher heating costs.

Do You Have Strainers On Your Drains?


Now this can really save you from unneeded plumbing repair bills. If you don’t have strainers, particularly in your showers and bathtubs, consider adding them immediately.

Strainers will help keep hair and other particles from building up in your pipes, and reduce or even eliminate nasty and costly clogs that will certainly run up your plumbing bills over time.

Inspect Your Sewer Line

Consider this the sewer equivalent of having a regular mammogram or colonoscopy – the goal is to catch things early and treat them before they become much larger and more troublesome down the road.

Ensuring that your sewer line is not clogged or obstructed can help you to maintain your system and save you on possible repairs and water costs down the road.

cad plumbing layout frisco tx commercial building

Clean Your Drains

Inspecting and cleaning your drains regularly can prevent them from becoming filled with particles and other nasty items, and save you money at the same time.

If your drains become excessively dirty, their effectiveness will be decreased and cost you more in your monthly water bills. It will also cause unneeded repair bills that you could have avoided by simply cleaning them yourself from time to time.

But before you can begin installing a new one, the old water heater must first be completely drained and then discarded in accordance with state law. A professional and certified plumber is trained to deal with this and can make the replacement fairly quickly and easily.

If you’ve ever been without a hot shower for a few days or tried to wash your white clothes without hot water, you know time is of the essence in these types of situations.